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Anti-Harassment & Discrimination Training

Since January 2006, California employers with 50 or more employees, or contractors, have been required by law to train their supervisors on preventing harassment in the workplace. Harassment in this context includes sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. The law sets specific guidelines for employers to follow including who can train, what should be included in the training, the frequency of the training, how the training can be presented and maintaining training records.


In 2019 the law was expanded to require employers with five (5) or more employees or contractors to train said employees or contractors on preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. JHRS's training for supervisors and employees is tailored to your industry and is presented face-to-face. JHRS also tracks and maintains the records of completion on your behalf.

Remember the deadline for completing employee training is January 2021. If you haven't completed your employee training as yet, let's chat!

Effective Documentation

Documentation is extremely important as it reduces the employer's risk and is a valuable weapon in lawsuits. An employee file should tell a story of the employee's life cycle, from the time of the application to the dismissal or resignation day. 


The training provided by JHRS teaches managers how to compose effective written warnings, administer documentation, create performance improvement plans, and document information collected in an investigation. This training has been proven to be effective in reducing one company's unfavorable unemployment decisions by 40%. Let's Chat!

The I-9 Form

Since 1986 through the Immigration Reform and Control Act, employers In the U.S. have been required to verify the identity and the employment eligibility of persons hire and document it on a form I-9. The form includes 15 pages of detailed instructions on how the form is to be completed when it is to be completed, when it is to be destroyed and how it is to be stored. They must also be available for inspection by authorized U.S. government officials.


Mistakes made on I-9 forms or actions taken during the I-9 process can be costly to employers. Current penalties for knowingly employing or continuing to employ an ineligible worker ranges from $559 to $4,586. This is why training is so important. JHRS's training covers all key information regarding the process of completing the form, its maintenance, and storage. Let's Chat!


Wage & Hour

Speak to any Californian employer and they will tell you that Wage & Hour is one of the most difficult employment practices in California to navigate. In addition to the Labor Code, California has wage orders (IWC) governing wages, hours of work and working conditions for various occupations and industries. This 1-hour training helps managers become more compliant in enforcing wage & hour laws and avoiding costly liability. The training covers meals & breaks post Brinker vs. Los Angeles Superior Court, final pay, overtime, vacation and sick time pay and reporting time pay.  Let's Chat!

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