There are numerous federal, state and municipal laws governing the employment relationship that must be complied with to avoid liability, costly fines and other penalties, including the potential harm to the organization’s reputation. In fact, the requirements increase as your business grows. Conducting scheduled HR compliance audits should be a part of an organization’s overall strategy to prevent liabilities. The packages offered by JenningsHRS will help your business ensure applicable laws are being followed.
California is one of the few states that make training a requirement. The state mandates that all employers with five or more employees train their supervisors and employees on the prevention of sexual harassment in the workplace. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing is the agency that is charged with enforcing many of the laws pertaining to employees' civil rights, including sexual harassment. In addition to that, there are a few other training programs JenningsHRS recommends that have been proven to reduce liability, increase productivity, and develop leaders. Visit our training page to learn more about these programs.
With the constant changes in federal, state, and local employment laws, it is almost impossible for a small business to keep up. JenningsHRS has several packages that will help you ensure that employee and labor relations activities are compliant with applicable laws and regulations.
Our Open Door Line provides an avenue where employees can voice complaints, and managers can receive coaching, feedback, and advice on how to approach employee relation issues.
Employee handbooks are an essential part of the business as it is the first line of communication between the employer and employee. It outlines the guidelines, benefits, and expectations of the company, and remind employees of their rights. JenningsHRS has several low-cost packages to help you create a comprehensive employee handbook specific to your industry. If you already have an employee handbook and it simply needs updating, we can help with that as well.
Unemployment provides partial wage payments to workers who are unemployed through no fault of their own. Though California is an "At Will" state, it is rare for a company to discharge an employee without a cause. When the cause is misconduct, they may not be eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits. The burden of proof falls on the employer to show that the discharge was justified according to state unemployment regulations. If it is established by the Employment Development Division that the claimant is disqualified from benefits due to misconduct, the claimant has the right to appeal and usually does so. These hearings are informal and heard under oath by an Administrative Law Judge. An expert representative from JenningsHRS can attend the hearing and ensure that all testimony surrounding the case is heard to defend your company's position.